

The release date of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion is only a month away, and we (as the Lorekeeper team) recently published our latest deep-dive article in Turkish which covered the zone of Maldraxxus.

In preparation for that article, we had the opportunity to participate in an interview with the Lead Narrative Designer Steve Danuser, and he kindly answered all our questions in detail – some of which involved topics that cover up how death and Shadowlands work in general.

Before we start, we’d like to give credit and huge thanks to Garth Holden (SA Gamer) and Slava Ipatov (Cybersport) who also participated in this interview and asked amazing questions – all of which can be found in this article.

So without further ado, let’s get to it!

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers to some extent. Please read at your own discretion.


What happens when you die in the Shadowlands?

The answer to that depends a little bit on what your nature is as a being. As we’ve seen before in the Legion expansion, where if demons came to Azeroth and died on Azeroth, they would go back to the Twisting Nether. Because that is the realm they are from… That same kind of rule applies to beings that are of Death magic. If a Kyrian for example, was on Azeroth and was killed, their essence would go back to the Shadowlands and be reformed there.

Mortal souls are different. Mortal souls begin in the mortal plane: Azeroth, other worlds etc. And when they die, that soul with all its anima that it’s built up in life, crosses over into the Shadowlands. And in the Shadowlands, the threat to your existence is real. If everything goes the way it’s supposed to go, you should be able to exist for eternity; either enjoy or endure whatever afterlife you are a part of. But if something happens to your soul there, if something destroys it, that soul is gone. There is no afterlife beyond Shadowlands. That’s why stakes are real in these battles, in these conflicts. The threat the Jailer poses to the Shadowlands and the other realms beyond it is very real and it has high stakes.

What happens to the soul in the Shadowlands if someone is raised from the dead?

Undeath is a force that has definitely touched Azeroth throughout history. Obviously the Scourge, and the storylines from Warcraft III with the Lich King, Arthas and all of that, is a prime example of undeath in Azeroth. But actually undeath on Azeroth dates much, much, much further back. If you go back to books about the Dawn of the Dragon Aspects, you will see Galakrond, and the force he used also had Death magic, necromancy as part of his power. 

Like all the cosmic forces, Death has touched Azeroth in numerous ways over the ages. And one of most visible and pronounced in the modern age of Azeroth is the Forsaken and the undead who are animated. That may lead you to the questions: “For people like the Forsaken, are their souls in the Shadowlands? Are their souls in Azeroth?” The active raising of someone like the Forsaken, someone who has intellect and mind intact, means that their soul is being anchored to their body. 

In life, for a living being, the soul is anchored to the body through the force of Life. It is a living body, therefore Life is a force that’s holding the soul to it. But in the case of a Forsaken, in the case of someone who is raised from the dead, it’s a different force, because life isn’t present within them. And so that is the force of necromancy, that is anchoring the soul to the body. Now it’s a different process than a living being, than someone who is kind of held together through the power of Life (with a capital L, as one of the Cosmic forces of the universe). So that Forsaken person, that undead person is held together by the power of Death, and that can have an effect on the soul. And we’ve seen that being raised can result in certain different circumstances. One person who’s raised may be very much intact. They may essentially be the same person that they were in life. Others are more aggressive, more hateful or more scornful than they were in life. And part of that has to do with the manner in which they’re raised. There’s all kinds of factors that go into that. So I would say that being raised that way is something of an imperfect process. It’s something that isn’t as defined and easily categorized as the living is. But make no mistake about it: Someone who is Forsaken, someone who is an intelligent undead like that, they do have their soul anchored to the mortal realm. Even if for a time it had crossed over in the Shadowlands and was brought back.

We’ve done some stuff that’s involved with time travel and alternate realities. What happens to those souls when they pass on? Do they go to the Shadowlands?

This is a complicated question. How do you deal with things like alternate Draenor? There was a Draka there. What is that Draka? Is she alive? Is she dead? Is she related to the Draka in Shadowlands that we see? Or is there another Draka? We know that in Warlords of Draenor, Velen of that universe died. Does that mean there is a Velen in the Shadowlands? But what about the Velen in Azeroth? All these things are very complicated questions.

The way I would have you think about it is think of a rope… If you look at a rope, it is one thing, right? It’s something that you can grab onto, you can hold it, you can see it; think of that as a character. Think of that rope as Draka or Velen. 

If you look at that rope more closely, you can see there are different threads that make up the rope. There are different twines that pull together, and you can pull off one of these threads if you want. But it’s still a rope, and each of those threads you can think of as one of the realities of the character, one of the streams of time… There is a thread that is the Draka from Draenor we visited in the Warlords of Draenor. There is another thread that is Draka on Azeroth as we know her… And there are many other threads that could be other realities that we never peered into. But all of those threads at some time come together to make that rope. And remember also that, as you’ll see, that there are many characters in the Shadowlands when they refer to time, they usually say that time is not a construct of Death. Time and Death are not related. Death is about eternity, not linear time. The manner in which these threads come together, that can take a very long time from mortal perceptions. Those threads can be separated for a time, but sooner or later, they do combine to make one rope that is that character. You can think of it as the threads of that rope, all the individual threads, are just waiting. And over time, they will come together but they can exist as separate entities for a time. That still doesn’t change the fact that they are part of one rope.

I want to ask about [something in relation to] Draka and Durotan. Can souls feel if their significant other dies, or can they even see them or visit each other in some common ground like Oribos? Do they know that they are both in the Shadowlands?

The players have witnessed in terms of what Draka experienced after coming to the Shadowlands, she has some different things to care about right now. She’s been put into situations that have forced her to focus on what happened to her original House, how she can work to defend the Shadowlands, how she can root out the treachery that’s taking hold of Maldraxxus. All of these things are taking the focus away from what her mortal life was. Now that doesn’t mean that her mortal life or mortal concerns are gone. But again, the beings that are now in the Shadowlands, both these mortal souls and these beings that are native to the Shadowlands, don’t think of time or perceive it quite the same way that we as players coming in do. 

The players coming into the Shadowlands are still alive, they still have their bodies, they’ve crossed over into this different realm and they’re all about solving the problem. They’re trying to fix the Shadowlands, stop the Jailer, save Azeroth from any of his schemes that he’s trying to inflict upon the world. So they have a very immediate sense of time in that “We’ve got to get this solved so we can protect our world,” whereas souls in the Shadowlands don’t perceive things that way. So, Draka and Durotan, obviously some point along the way, did get separated. Where did Durotan go? We don’t know as of yet. Does Draka know? No, she doesn’t really know. But those strands of rope I mentioned before, think of those as strands of fate. Different souls that have crossed over or intersected one another through life, I think there is probably something that draws them, that keeps some tether between them even in the afterlife. The way the Shadowlands is set up, when things were working the way they were supposed to and anima was plentiful, all this machinery of Death was functioning the way it was supposed to, there was an opportunity for souls sometimes to travel to, have completed one obligation and be able to move around whether that was to travel to Oribos and encounter someone there, or maybe to travel to some of these infinite afterlives that are out there in the realms of Death… So, don’t give up hope that Draka and Durotan might be reunited someday. But right now Draka has a job to do and that is front and center in her mind in terms of what she needs to do in order to perhaps earn the respite that she’s due and be able to visit the mortals she cared about so much in life.

The principal powers in Cosmology, do they also go to the Shadowlands? Or do they go back to their own place? Like the Burning Crusade goes to Twisting Nether, where would a Naaru go?

So that same rule that we established in Legion for a being of an influence goes back if it’s killed in the mortal realm or some other realm, it goes back to it’s home realm, it’s home plane. That’s true for demons and that’s true for other forces as well.

So if Naarus are fighting in the mortal realm for example, a Naaru is struck down; its essence would go back to the realm of Light and would reconstitute there. Now there are exceptions to that rule… If a significantly powerful force intervenes in such a way, it can throw that process off, it can either delay it or subvert it in some way. But it takes a significant influence for that to happen; it’s not something that casually happens.

For example people have talked about Bridenbrad, the hero who died in Northrend. We saw the Light intervene to save him and pull him away. That’s the case of one of the forces having a direct tie to a character and going out of its way to kind of yank it out of the normal cycle a little bit and do something different with it.

Those cases are the exception rather than the rule. So if you destroyed a being of the Light, it would go back to the realm of Light and to really destroy it, you would have to go to the realm of Light and destroy it there.

Taking into consideration the fact that the Shadowlands isn’t in its best condition right now, are there any Shadowlands realms where it doesn’t feel like you are basically requested to have an eternity of servitude? It feels pretty rough that, like you know you work hard, you retire, you die, you get drafted again…

It is true that the realms we’re visiting are the core to the functioning of how the Shadowlands works as a Cosmic force in the universe. There is a responsibility there. Much is asked of the souls that go to Bastion. Again, we wanted to play with that, that notion of visually looking at it and seeing this kind of idyllic paradise, but they have a huge responsibility placed on their shoulders. Maldraxxus has a huge responsibility. Revendreth is all about taking these souls that have potential to either do something great or to be lost to darkness, and trying to save them. And Ardenweald takes care of these very important nature spirits that need to go back into the cycle and preserve that. So all of these realms have very important duties that they have to accomplish in order for the Shadowlands and realms beyond to function. But we have said that the Shadowlands is a place of infinite afterlives, and I certainly picture that there are places that are free of obligation, places that could just be an idyllic paradise for someone or a place of just unending punishment and torment, because they were just that bad, or just needed to endure something to pay them back for what happened in life… Any of those possibilities that you can imagine exists somewhere in the Shadowlands.

That’s why when we talk about certain characters and you try to pick which afterlife they would go to, keep in mind that there are limitless other places they might end up within Shadowlands. Maybe we’ll get peeks into some of those, maybe we won’t. But any of those characters that you know and care about can exist somewhere in this realm. And when it’s someone you like and care about, you hope they’re in a happy place. You know, like Durotan: If everything went great for him, he’s probably in this endless hunting ground where he has his wolves around him and he can just go out there, he doesn’t have to worry about any dark forces wrecking his world. He can just enjoy that forever… And you know what, maybe Draka can someday fulfill her obligations and join him there. Who knows? We’ll see…

There have been rumors in the community about origins of a new class: Necromancer. Maldraxxus looks like a good start for that. Is it a hint for players?

While Maldraxxus is all about necromancy and we are exploring some flavors of it that we haven’t seen on Azeroth before, it was not meant to imply that there is a new class coming or anything like that.

It really is just the story of the realm of Maldraxxus and the inhabitants that are within it, and it’s not meant to be something that we’re going to give to players as a new class or something like that.

Are there any Shadowlands realms that you wish we could go visit but maybe there wasn’t enough time or the story would have gone too long if we went there etc?

If you ask any storyteller or designer or artist on the WoW Team “Did you ever wish you could do more of those things?” every one of us will say “Oh yes man, we had so many great ideas that we explored and we went a different way for whatever reason!”

So the answer is, yes. There were always other things that we could explore and some of those will be realized in some of the updates to Shadowlands that you’ll see come out over time and things like that. And others may be down the road, we will find a way to introduce those… Whenever we bring a new toy (think of each expansion is giving us new toys to play), new places that we can go, places that we can revisit down the line… I think certainly in the future, even after we’ve got expansions coming after and the Shadowlands is kind of been told and the story is complete, there will still be opportunities to return to Shadowlands and maybe see some of those other realms come to life. 

I like to think of this expansion as opening a lot of doors for us, or at least creating lots of doorways that we could go through in the future. And that’s one of the most fun things about it and that it really sets up the universe of Warcraft to have even more alleys to explore and avenues in the future that’ll be really exciting.

How does it feel going back to a story that’s going to weave through zones as a single pathway after going through a very “Pick where you’re gonna do your Adventure next” approach?

It feels really good. What we wanted to embrace this time around was to go back to some of that linear narrative that leads you through the expansion. We just didn’t want to force players to go through every bit of a zone at a time before working their way through the story. What we’ve gone for this time really encompasses the best of both worlds. Because we do get to tell a linear narrative that builds up and has points of tension and rises and falls in certain ways that you can’t get if you let the choice go to the player. So we get that opportunity to tell that kind of story while still giving players a big sense of choice. Choices are a huge theme in this expansion. Both the presence of it and in terms of how the afterlives see it, the things they’re imposing upon the souls that come to those afterlives.

We also wanted to give players the choice to pick a Covenant and use that as the lens through which they see the big parts of the story through. And having those choices have different meanings, different consequences and gives you opportunities to make different choices on other characters. As you may have just seen on our most recent Beta update, when you play through the storyline on one character, you can elect to skip that storyline on a subsequent alt if you want to, and just engage with the world in the way that you see fit. And kind of going through and just playing World Quests, Dungeons, Side Quests… However you want to engage with the world, giving you that sense of choice how you, as a player, want to go through this.

I like to think of it as us getting the best of both worlds, of us having all the benefits of a linear storyline while still giving a ton of agency to our players to engage with that story in whatever manner they see fit.

We know there are six elements and one of them is Spirit. Does Spirit have any connection with Anima at all?

When you look at the Cosmology chart, which is an interpretation of these forces, it’s one way to structure them and visually understand them, you’ll certainly see parallels between some of the elemental magics and some of the higher forms of magic that you see. I think of the elemental magics as being of “primal” magics and then those big forces of Order, Disorder, Life, Death, Light and Void; those are structured end of high magics.

A lot of the storyline that we’ve seen play out across Azeroth and some of the other worlds is how those more primal forces intersect with the more structured or high magic forces. I certainly think that there are echoes of spirits and how Anima is, but again, Anima is something that is tied to mortals, that’s something unique to them. When you think of the mortals and the mortal realm, when you look at that Cosmology Chart, it’s the mortal realm that’s in the middle of all of it. So one could interpret all of those other forces have echoes that kind of resonate out and touch the mortal realm in ways. So you could say that there are some things about Spirit and its function as an elemental force that exists at this Cosmic level. And there are echoes of how Anima what means to a mortal soul and how that feels the Shadowlands and what goes on there. So certainly thematic echoes, but they are different things.

'This section contains major spoilers for players who haven’t played in the Alpha/Beta or followed anything about the Shadowlands storyline so far. Please click on this box if you want to see it.'

Many players are waiting for Draka and Thrall to meet. How important will this event be, and how will this reunion be emotionally for both of them?

I don’t think a reunion like that could be emotionally easy on either part.

We saw Thrall go to this alternate Draenor and we got to see him interact with versions of his parents, but they weren’t the same people. He got to pick up on a lot of their qualities and things like that. But there was probably still something within him where he knew that these weren’t actually the people who bore him, who lost the chance to raise him and so forth.

But this Draka that is in Shadowlands IS that person as we saw in the Maldraxxus Afterlives short. She was the one who gave her life trying to defend that little baby. And again, if we think of threads of fate bonding characters together, those kinds of threads transcend mortal life, then there is definitely a thread between Thrall and Draka that needs to be resolved there. And that is definitely something that we plan for in the subsequent chapters of the Shadowlands. Right now, when you play through the storyline, obviously Thrall has been taken captive, he is in a bad place; we’ve got to resolve that. Draka has a lot going on in the Shadowlands that she needs to immediately resolve in terms of what’s going on Maldraxxus. But there will definitely come a point where these paths are drawn back together, where they intersect. And I think that intersection will be a highly emotional moment for both of those characters and for the players who witness it. So that’s definitely a story that we are looking forward to telling.


What made you decide on having Draka as one of the main characters of Maldraxxus? Why Draka?

When we were conceiving Shadowlands, thinking about the zones and the stories we want to tell, the themes that we want to explore with the storyline, we knew that we had a vast number of characters to draw on who had died and gone to the Shadowlands; so we didn’t have any shortage of possible characters. So we kind of went through a process where we wanted some that felt like “Oh, yeah. It’s natural that this character would appear!”

For someone like Uther, going to Bastion was a natural fit; someone who had lived a life of service, who had been at the forefront of the Warcraft III storyline and just really had carried on as this kind of pillar of Azeroth, someone that characters in the world still think about and relate to.

But we also wanted to choose some characters that didn’t seem like obvious fits; characters that felt a little either off the beaten path or that would have to make you think about it and go through the mental exercise of figuring out how they would fit there. 

We talked about lots of different options and really settled on Draka as being someone who is interesting, who is integral to the true line of the story of Warcraft, going from Draenor to Azeroth, that story of the orcs; she’s a big part of that… But she also wasn’t someone that we had seen a ton about or had gotten to explore. She was a character that both had the right ingredients for someone to go to Maldraxxus and also had some kind of blank slate characteristics about her that we could fill in through this storyline. So it was just a really interesting opportunity to take someone who had forged themselves, started off facing challenges and become a great warrior to give her another chance to do the same thing in this afterlife that is all about strength, contention and improving yourself.

How challenging was it to reflect things that we normally consider “evil” on Azeroth – like plagues, abominations, necromancy and such as normal or even beneficial to some extent in Maldraxxus?

That was a fun challenge. If you’re just looking purely from a visual standpoint at all the different zones in the Shadowlands, the ones you see at least, it’s very easy to look at a place like Bastion and think “Oh, it must be the good guys!” and then you look at Ardenweald and say “Oh, everything is pretty. It must be perfect there. It must be a paradise!” Then you look at some place like Maldraxxus and “Oh, it must be terrible. People must be suffering!” 

We really wanted to play with all of those expectations. Those visual cues are meant to lead you in and make assumptions, and then we want to play with those assumptions and show you that there’s much more going on than first meets the eye.

Maldraxxus does have all these very familiar elements of undead, Scourge looking stuff. There are the Necropolises all over the place, there are plagues, there are all these monstrous looking beings. But when you delve into the story (and yes, there is some treachery and deceit going on), when you look at what Maldraxxus is really about, it does have this noble purpose. So it was very fun and rewarding to tell the story of this place that on its surface seems monstrous and frightening, but really does a much larger role in what’s going on in the Shadowlands. 

If you think of all these different realms that we’re visiting in the expansion as being parts of this grand machinery of death, the phrase that we’ve used before, Maldraxxus is the defense mechanism. And sometimes to defend something, you need to get a little more virulent and aggressive. That’s the nature of Maldraxxus where the inhabitants of it are always striving and being in conflict with one another that allows the strongest to rise to the top and therefore the Shadowlands will have the strongest defenders. So the nature of Maldraxxus is necessary for the job that it is supposed to do.

What was the most difficult part about creating Maldraxxus, and what is your initial decision to make Maldraxxus a covenant of warriors, powerful necromancers and monsters?

It certainly was a challenge to take all of these themes that were visually familiar to players and to amplify them. But also to give new context to them. Context is always what’s really important in terms of telling a story.

There is what your eyes tell you, and then there are the other layers that you experience as you play through storylines and what you pick up on and perceive. The characters that are in this world are very important to helping us tell that story. So I think certainly, there is that challenge of once you’ve decided to express Maldraxxus as this very aggressive looking, contentious, with toxic pools and lots of bones and flesh and all that sort of things, that does present you with challenges in terms of telling a more complex and nuanced story.

You ask yourself, “Will the players be able to pick up on this? If they are playing through this realm that looks very aggressive, can they care about these characters? Can they still have that same emotional investment in their well being that is the hallmark of classic Warcraft storytelling?” And we had many debates as we were making the expansion. How far can we go with some of these things? Are we gonna be able to tell that kind of classic Warcraft story in these very different feeling places? And that is why it was so gratifying, even in the beginnings of our Alpha play tests, once we were getting people from the outside and they were running through these zones, all of the questions for us melted away. Because they were just playing WoW they way that everybody always plays WoW; where they’re running through these gorgeous zones, they’re interacting with cool characters, they’re fighting bosses, they’re getting loot, they’re doing all those things that make World of Warcraft what it is. And that was immensely gratifying for us as storytellers because then we knew we could have that burden lifted from our shoulders and just focus on telling really cool, powerful stories. Because we had no doubt that the audience would be able to understand it and pick up on the same kinds of storylines that we’ve held on other expansions that were arguably more visually instantly relatable places.

So even in Maldraxxus, this place of contention, and it’s very chaotic nature at times, there are still these classic hero’s journey stories that play out through characters that you care about and get invested in. And you want to help as a hero of this world of Azeroth that you come from, even in this magical, far away realm of the Shadowlands.

Many players have compared Maldraxxus to Icecrown. Is there anything in common between these two locations? And what inspired you as you created the design of Maldraxxus?

I think it is clear when you look at Maldraxxus there are a ton of echoes of that classic image of undead and Scourge represented in Warcraft III and Wrath of the Lich King expansion. There is no question that there are visual and thematic ties there.

Giving the players that kind of playground to venture into, and frankly seeing how our artists today could take some of those same themes and really dress them up with all the visual fidelity that WoW is capable of delivering that wasn’t able to earlier in those days, it was a great treat for us both from an artistic standpoint and from a storytelling standpoint, to take some of these themes and infuse them into the modern game in a new way. So when you look at Icecrown (zone), obviously it’s filled with all kinds of undead, many of which you see different versions of in Maldraxxus or different incarnations I would say… 

You saw some Abomination, for example, that were stitched together out of rotten flesh, and sometimes their parts were kind of leaking out and all this nasty stuff… While in Maldraxxus you see the higher form of that. Places like the House of Constructs where they take the finest pieces and assemble them into these big beefy creations that still recall those abominations. But you can see that they’re a much higher form of magic and much higher success rates on these creations in terms of their fierceness, the power that they possess. So in all cases, you see something that’s familiar, but now you see the higher form of it. Maldraxxus is really the place where necromancy as a force as we’ve seen it in Azeroth was formed, where it was born.

You can also see echoes of the rooms of the Death Knight blades and some of those themes also carry forth into the Maw. As someone who’s seen the Icecrown Citadel, you can look around at places in Torghast and some of those themes feel very familiar. And that’s all part of the storyline that we’ll be exploring as we go deeper into the Shadowlands.

Maldraxxus is called the “Defender of the Shadowlands”. Who was it supposed to defend it from before the current events? Was it the Legion or the [Old] Gods etc?

Maldraxxus is supposed to create an infinite army to defend Shadowlands against all kinds of threats. Now, what would those threats be? If you play through the Shadowlands story, you’ll encounter several situations where outside forces have made incursions into the Shadowlands.

You see a place in Revendreth that seems to be touched by the Light. You see places within the Bastion where there is a memorial to an attack from the Void. And as you saw in the Afterlives short, Maldraxxus forces were spying on the Legion – which raises lots of questions…

But while the history of Azeroth is one part of our storyline, the universe Azeroth habits is much, much older. And the places like the Shadowlands and other realms that are on that Cosmology chart date back to the very beginnings of this universe. 

As you can imagine from reading the Chronicles book that tells you some of the story that went on before the mortal races were really taking control of Azeroth and their kingdoms were rising and all that stuff, you can assume then that there was even more history that you don’t know or haven’t heard about. And part of that involves conflicts between these cosmic forces. 

When you think of the Cosmology chart, there are many ways to look at that, there are many interpretations of it. One way you can think of it is that it’s almost like a balance, like a scale where it’s keeping these different forces in balance and maybe that’s the nature of the universe, or at least one way of looking at it… And if these forces are always striving to gain power, kind of oppose or take power from another, you can imagine that these different forces throughout time have waxed and waned and influenced, and we’ve only seen little bits and pieces of that. But there is certainly the potential for great wars between some of these forces to have occured; different team-ups maybe, where some of them joined forces to oppose another force that had gotten too powerful. 

The universe is simultaneously trying to stay in balance while also each individual force is trying to rise up and gain power. So it’s that balancing act that occurs all around this universe with Azeroth and the mortal plane is right at the very heart of that conflict.

Is Maldraxxus ever used as an offensive force? Have they ever stepped in to help Azeroth that we didn’t know about?

There were certainly times in history where Maldraxxus felt the need to go on the offensive. Whether they think another force is rising, that they need to preemptively attack in order to defend the Shadowlands; that certainly is something they would do. Whether any of that was visible to Azeroth or to people from Azeroth in the past… You know, there have been a number of beings throughout history who have been able to observe things beyond the mortal realm, who have peered beyond Azeroth and seen things coming. We have seen examples of that with Medivh and how he peered in on the Legion and saw some of the things they were up to. He was aware of that and worked preemptively to defend Azeroth from that. 

So you might assume that there could have been figures throughout Azeroth’s long periods of history that we don’t have a lot of detail on, that there might be other figures who might have had insight on the other cosmic forces. And maybe they could involve forces from Shadowlands but maybe that knowledge was lost in time, there might be stuff that waits to be discovered.

Maldraxxus looks like a dark and toxic area. Is it the right place for fallen warriors of the Alliance? Would Varian Wrynn appear in Maldraxxus?

We touched on this in an earlier question, just in terms of how fearsome Maldraxxus looks and how at first you might think it is just a place for bad guys to go, but that’s definitely not the case. Maldraxxus benefits from any soul that has that natural drive and contention, whether it’s to better themselves or to overcome rivals. That can be for a good cause or it can be for a bad cause. Maldraxxus doesn’t’ really care about morality in that sense. It has a job to do, and it needs the best people around to do that. And in some cases those are monstrous people who’ve done bad things and in other cases it can be very noble ones. Again, just because Bastion is a place of light, service and duty, that doesn’t mean that everybody who has a noble heart inherently goes there. There are countless afterlives and in Maldraxxus, there are definitely people who have been noble spirits, noble hearts like Draka who still embody that kind of striving and wanting to be better. 

Varian Wrynn is an interesting case where you can make arguments for him going to a lot of different places that we’ve seen in the Shadowlands, and probably places that we haven’t seen as well since the Shadowlands is this realm of infinite afterlives…If you’ve engaged with the Shadowlands story so far, there has been no sign of Varian Wrynn but certainly he has a figure that looms large in the history of Warcraft. He’s not part of this storyline, but who knows what the future might hold… Through his son Anduin, Varian’s presence is always there. So we feel like we’ve told that story pretty touchingly and well in Legion, and it wasn’t something that we felt we needed to address again just in the beginning of the Shadowlands story.

The Primus is a very interesting character. Was it intentional on his behalf that he just left, or was there a completely unexpected case of his disappearance?

The Primus is one of the Eternal Ones. He is part of this Pantheon of Death that rules the realms of the Shadowlands and again, think of all the time that passed before the present day of the mortals crossing over. The Primus was in charge of Maldraxxus for countless eons and his singular focus was on building this unbeatable army that could defend the Shadowlands. And that was really all that he was about and that’s why he founded those five different houses to embody different virtues. If you think about that way of Maldraxxus, whether it be strength or cunning, all of those things are important for being part of this army that’s got a job to do. 

As you play through the storyline, you come to learn that the Primus began to suspect that there was something going on. You’ll see hints that he was involved in whatever happened with the Jailer’s imprisonment. And over time, as he’s always the most tactical thinker of all of the Eternal Ones, he began to suspect and see some evidence that perhaps the Jailer’s influence was seeping out even though he was supposed to have been locked away all this time. And that leads the Primus to suspect that there may have been allies. His absence was about investigating that and trying to get to the bottom of it. The Primus has been gone for a while though, so it’s left to those who are left behind to guess and determine what his fate was and what impact that has on it. But I think it’s a safe bet to say that he probably found out some of the bad things that were happening and probably some bad fate befell him. As the storyline plays out in Maldraxxus, you get some messages that he left behind; both as encouragement and as trying to guide the heroes forward.

The Primus, being this long thinker and very strategic mind, could conceive of a time when the Shadowlands would face a grave peril, and he could conceive that perhaps it would take someone from the outside of Shadowlands coming in to help set things right. So he may have put things in place to help that person, whether it be hiding a rune blade inside a rock or leaving messages behind… When you look at the storyline from a high level, you will see the genius of the Primus start playing out, and even though he’s not a character that’s present in the storyline, his impact is very much felt in Maldraxxus and the realms beyond.

What is the meaning of the name “Maldraxxus”? Is there an etymological approach to naming that area?

There are reasons for every name that we come up with, and some of them are deeply thought out and considered, and there is something in the etymology of the name itself that can set something bigger. In the case of Maldraxxus, though, that was one of the names I came up with, I believe. I just wanted to go with something that recalled themes of the Scourge that we’ve heard before; you know, places like Naxxramas… X is a big letter in terms of that Scourge-y kind of sound. 

“Mal” is a word that usually hints at bad or dangerous things. So I wanted that sense of danger. But there is a joke in the community that Maldraxxus is the perfect heavy metal album cover location and really, that’s what we wanted the name to sound like. We wanted it to sound like someone could go “MALDRAAAXXXUSSS!!!!” and have it be that kind of growly, metal, aggressive sound because that fits the theme of what’s going on there. Sometimes you choose the name because of the sound rather than any inherent meaning in it. And I would say that was the case for Maldraxxus. 

Could you please name five heroes who would most likely go to Maldraxxus after they died? I mean the ones who we will not see in the Shadowlands…

Well, I’m not the Arbiter so I would leave that job to her. And I also don’t want to mention a character because if they don’t show up, people will be disappointed by that. I would just say to keep an open mind as you’re looking at characters from Warcraft’s past and that it’s a good thing for fans of the Shadowlands to debate and say “You know, someone like that could have gone to Maldraxxus” or “They could have gone to Revendreth because, maybe, they needed some redemption.” I think that those are healthy discussions to have and you don’t always have hard answers about stuff like that. 

If you are arguing for Maldraxxus that someone could go there, just ask yourself: Were they someone who in life strived to better themselves? Whether it was for the sake of someone else or for the sake of themselves. Either way, were they someone who was working to make themselves smarter, stronger, better at magic? If the answer to that is yes, then you can absolutely make the case for that character going to Maldraxxus. And from there, what House would they have been sorted into? 

As you saw in the case of Draka, she went to an unlikely House at first. She would’ve assumed that she would have been at the House of the Chosen right away, but the system had other things in mind for her. It needed her to get that knowledge from the House of Eyes; so when she did get to the House of the Chosen, she could be an even greater asset to them there.

So there are all kinds of things to unpack, talk and think about.